Founded by the Attila József Circle (1995-2019); the Hungarian Translators’ Foundation (2019- )
The Hungarian Translators’ House Foundation
Twenty-Second Newsletter
A fordítóház vendégei 2019-ben, és amit fordítottak
Guests of the Translators’ House in 2019 and the works translated:
Tähti Schmidt (Finland) Vilmos Kondor: Budapest novemberben (’Budapest in November’) ; Claudia Tatasciore (Italy) Zsolt Jantyik: Ezüstbojtár (Based on Petőfi’s János vitéz); Minnamari Pitkänen (Finland) László Krasznahorkai: Sátántangó (’Satantango’); Irena Makarewicz (Poland) Sándor Márai: Vasárnapi krónika (’Sunday Chronicle’); Abdallah Al-Naggar (Egypt) Zsigmond Móricz: Magyarok; Rachel Mikos (USA/Czech Republic) György Dragomán: Máglya (’The Bonfire’); Adriana Petkova Papadopulosz (Bulgaria) Pál Závada: Egy piaci nap (’A Market Day’); Vladimir Szabó (Germany) Bertalan Andrásfalvy: A magyar föld sorsa; Nikolaj Bojkov (Bulgaria) Ádám Nádasdy, Parti Nagy Lajos versei/ Lajos Parti Nagy: Selected Poems; Lea Kovács (Croatia) Lóránt Kabdebó, translations of György Tverdota’s research; Yu Zemin (China) Gergely Péterfy: Petőfi utca 8. ; Adéla Gálová (Czech Republic) Gábor Zoltán: Orgia (’The Orgy’), Sándor Mándoky: Havasi levelek; Tünde Mészáros (Slovakia) Poems by Márta Júlia Nagy; Karol Wlachovský (Slovakia) Lajos Grendel: Bukott angyalok (‘Fallen Angels’), 4-5. kötet: Az utolsó reggelen, Utazás a semmi felé (Chapters 4-5); Oxana Jakimenko (Russia) Sándor Márai: Egy polgár vallomásai (’Confessions of a Citizen’), Edina Szvoren egy novellája, Péter Nádas: Találkozás (’The Meeting’); Yu Zemin (China) Gábor T. Szántó: 1945 és más történetek (’1945 and Other Stories’); Sandra Buljanović Simonović (Serbia) Edina Szvoren: Pertu (’On Intimate Terms’), Ferenc Molnár: Liliom (’Liliom’); Veronika Haecker-Lukacs (UK) Iván Bächer: Klétka; Vladimir Szabó (Germany) Béla Hamvas: Mágia Szutra (’The Emerald Tablet’); Karol Wlachovský (Slovakia) Kálmán Mikszáth: Tisztelt Ház; Mari Alföldy (Holland) László Krasznahorkai: Báró Wenckheim hazatér (‘Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming’), kortárs elbeszélők; Lukasz Woiński (Poland) Ernő Szép: Emberszag (’The Smell of Humans’); Marko Cudić (Serbia) Magda Szabó: Pilátus (’Iza’s Ballad’); Jozefina Komporaly Goetz (UK) Gábor Vida: Egy dadogás története (’The Story of a Stutter’); Owen Good (UK) Zsolt Láng: Kovács Emma születése (’The Birth of Emma Kovács and Other Stories’); Vjacseszlav Szereda (Russia) László Krasznahorkai: Az ellenállás melankóliája (’The Melancholy of Opposition’), Géza Szőcs: Karácsonyi játék (’The Christmas Play or Uncle Louie and the Little Ones’); Daniel Warmuz (Poland) István Kovács: A barátság anatómiája; Marjanca Mihelić (Slovenia) László Krasznahorkai: Megy a világ (‘The World Goes On’); Rachel Mikos (USA/Czech Republic) Gábor Schein: Egy angyal önéletrajzai; Vladimir Szabó (Germany) Sándor Karácsony: A magyar észjárás; Martin Hrisztov (Bulgaria) Benedek Totth: Az utolsó utáni háború (‘The War After the Last War’); Rachel Mikos (USA/Czech Republic) Gábor Schein: Svéd (‘Swedish’).
Translation programs and seminars in 2019
In 2019, twelve translator seminars were held in different languages. The aim of the translation seminars is to prepare emerging translators, to assist them in their translation paths. A total of about 75 people participated in the programs. We also help towards the first publication of the best fitted translators by inviting a copy-editor or editor of a journal or publishing house from the given country – consequently the emerging translator becomes acquainted with publishing practices and an editor, while the editor meets new translators. The leaders of the seminars are experienced translators, copy-editors, university lecturers. Some of their joint work (translated poems or short prose, perhaps a play excerpt) has already appeared in journals or books.
From 9 January 2019, the Balassi Institute students of literary translation (Monika Jurczak, Mina Mastilović, Marina Romanova, Maria Akhmerova, Kristen Herbert, Anna Matuszak, Alexandra Alipova, Li Qi, and Réka Vitályos-Bartalis) spent one week preparing the first draft of their final piece and writing their translation diaries.
From 6 January to 11 February, 2019, The Austrian translators’ seminar was led by György Buda where the group translated János Arany’s poems.
From 13 February to 20 February, 2019, Monika Galabova, Zornica Videnova, Viktoria Andonova, Liliya Duleva, Elica Klimentieva, Velina Minkoff participated the The Bulgarian translators’ seminar led by Szvetla Kjoszeva, literary translator, where they translated an Iván Mándy novel and János Arany’s poetry.
The Udmurt translators’ seminar led by Aleksandr Egorov: Sofiia Khhokhriakova, Maria Romanova, Alina Krestianinova, Valeriia Fedorova and Pavel Zorin where they translated János Arany’s poems for the jubilee (18 March-24, 2019).
From 25 March -31, 2019, Young Austrian translators (Krisztina Meyer, Izabella Nyári, Anna Ladó, Zsuzsanna Gábor, Nóra Keszerice, Emese Dallos, Sandra Rétháti) led by György Buda were in house to translate János Arany’s poems.
Some university students also participated in the Neolatin (Catalan, Basque, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian) translators’ seminar held 5-8 April 2019, (Andreea-Isabella Stefan, Lorenzo Marmiroli, Lucila González Alfaya, Anna Maria Cutrupia, Gimeno Jordi, Joao M. C da Silva, Andrea Losada Garate, Rexina Rodrigez Vega) also translated János Arany poetry.
The Estonian translators’ seminar was led by Lauri Eesmaa where poems by János Arany were in focus based on Krisztina Tóth’s rough translations by two Estonian poets: Doris Kareva and Mirjam Parve (22 April-28, 2019).
The Croatian translators’ seminar began on 6 May 2019, led by Kristina Katalinić Marija Dezeljin, Dávid Karácsonyi, Monika Plavsic, Paula Faber, Andrea Franolic, Lea Kovács worked on Magda Szabó: Fairy Lala and Mór Jókai: Excerpts from Three Marble Heads.
24-29 June 2019, the following participated in the Slovak translators’ seminar at the house:
Eva Andrejčáková, Gabriela Magová, Lenka Nagyová, Tímea Beck Kreković, Judit Görözdi, Renata Deáková, Lucie Molnár Satinská. They translated Pál Závada, Gábor Zoltán, László Krasznahorkai, László Bertók, Noé Tibor Kiss and Zoltán Tibor’s work.
Participants of the Spanish translators’ seminar (Márta Patak, Veronika Major, Teresa Ruiz Rosas, Eszter Orbán, Zita Máté, José Miguel González Trevejo, Andrés Cienfuegos Gómez, Judit Faller) focused on the work of György Miklós Száraz, Jenő Rejtő and last but not least, Péter Rácz (1-7 July, 2019).
The Italian translators’ seminar took place 21-25 November, 2019, where participants translated Géza Csáth’s: Az álbíróék című elbeszélést (Nicola de Feo, Ester Giliberti, Anna Ostrifate, Angela Rizzo and Ilaria Falone) and were led by Lorenzo Marmiroli.
The Catalan translators’ seminar ceremoniously began as the event occurred for the tenth occasion. This time, Anna T. Szabó’s poems and György Dragomán’s prose were translated with the authors in house. Participants included Carles Bartual, Ignasi Farinyes, Krisztina Nemes, Montserrat Bayà, Carles Dachs and Gemma Medina under Dóra Bakucz’s leadership from 5 December- 8, 2019.
Translation News
The János Arany Translation Program which we began the previous year came to a close in 2019.
In doing so, 46 poems were translated into 21 languages by our guests (British English, American, Basque, Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Gallegos, Croatian, Castilian, Catalan, Chinese, Polish, German, Italian, Austrian, Russian, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, and Slovakian). With the appropriate post-production measures, the collection could be published into a multi-language volume.
Polish translator Tereza Worowska was awarded the Balassi Prize for Literary Translation, established two years ago, by Márton Schőberl, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy State Secretary for Cultural Diplomacy on 26 September, World Literary Translation Day at a hall at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Lajos Pálfalvi, literary translator, did the honours.
The winner of the National Library of Literature’s Translation Competition was Szabolcs Takács in 2019. He won a week stay at the Translators’ House in Balatonfüred as part of his special prize.
We were notified of the following accomplishments by our guests in 2019:
Nikolaj Bojkov (Bulgaria) received the Hungarian Bronze Order of Merit from the Hungarian Republic for his work translating and promoting Contemporary Hungarian prose and poetry from the President of the Republic.
Daniel Warmuz (Poland) received the Adam Włodek Poetry Prize from the Szymborska Foundation for his translation of Zoltán Lesi’s high volume poetry titled ’High Jumper’.
Abd Allah El Nagar (Egypt), István Orbán (Austria), Szvetla Kjoszeva (Bulgaria), Sandra Buljanović
Simonović (Serbia) –were all awarded the Milán Füst Prize.
Ottilie Mulzet (Rachel Mikos, USA) received the National Book Award in Translated Literature for her translation of László Krasznahorkai’s ’Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming’.
Events, News
The Hungarian Translators’ House faced many operational challenges due to obstacles in funding which caused exceptional difficulties in the implemention of its scheduled programs in 2019. Ministry funding was cut in half in the course of the year.
From 2020 and onward, the Translator’s House plans to receive funding from The Petőfi Literary Fund.
We would like to thank all our supporters for understanding the strategic importance of translating Hungarian literature into other languages as well as for their continued support in funding the Translators’ House operations.
Precipitation for the year 2018 from the garden (mm): January: 41 mm, February: 17 mm, March: 6 mm, April: 42 mm, May: 118 mm, June: 39 mm, July: 45 mm, August: 67 mm, September: 44 mm, October: 18 mm, November: 89 mm, December: 100 mm, total: 626 mm.
The following works have been published in the course of the year 2019:
Sándor Márai: Vasárnapi krónika (’Sunday Chronicles’); Sándor Márai: Válás Budán (’Divorce in Buda’), in Polish (Irena Makarewicz); Poems, in Bulgarian (Nikolaj Bojkov), Vesztnik literaturen magyar száma: http://www.bsph.org/members/files/pub_pdf_1659.pdf ;
Zsigmond Móricz: Magyarok; Attila József: Versválogatás, in Arabic (Abd Allah El Nagar); Vilmos Kondor: Budapest noir, észtül (Reet Klettenberg); "Magyar írók 1968-ról", Souvislosti 2018/4, in Czech (from various Czech seminar participants); László Krasznahorkai: Az ellenállás melankóliája (‘The Melancholy of Opposition’), Géza Szőcs: Égi és földi (válogatott próza- és drámakötet) in Russian (Vjacseszlav Szereda); László Krasznahorkai: Sátántangó (‘Satantango’), in Estonian (Siiri Kolka); György Dragomán: Máglya (The Bonfire), in Slovakian (Gabriela Magová); László Krasznahorkai: Sátántangó (‘Satantango’), In Finnish (Minnamari Pitkänen); László Krasznahorkai: Mindig Homérosznak (‘Chasing Homer’), in Croatian (Viktorija Santić); István Kerékgyártó: Rükverc (‘Backwards’); Magyar dráma antológia, In Slovakian (Renata Deáková); Géza Csáth: Ópium, második, bővített kiadás,(‘Opium and Other Stories’) in Bulgarian (Martin Hrisztov); Zsolt Berta: Kalef/ Moszkva téri fiúk, in Polish, István Kovács - Miklós Mitrovits: Magyar emlékek Lengyelországban, Róbert Hermann: A nagyszebeni ütközet és az Erdélyi csatakörkép, in Polish, (Daniel Warmuz); Grendel Lajos: Bukott angyalok (‘Fallen Angels’), Théseusz és a fekete özvegy, Utolsó reggelen, Utazás a semmi felé, in Slovakian (Karol Wlachovský); Viktor Horváth: Török tükör(‘Turkish Mirrors’) (excerpt, from the Familia literary journal: Familia nov dec 2019 copy.pdf 122-130. o.) in Romanian (Gabriella Constantin); Vilmos Kondor: Budapest novemberben (‘Budapest in November’) , in Finnish (Tähti Schmidt); Ferenc Molnár: Liliom (‘Liliom’’), in Serbian, first performance at the Belgrade Drama Theatre on 1 Dec, 2019. https://bdp.rs/predstave/liliom/ (Sandra Buljanović Simonović); László Krasznahorkai: Báró Wenckheim hazatér (’Baron Wenckheim’s Homecoming’); Szilárd Borbély: Final Matters. Selected Poems 2004-2010, in English (Ottilie Mulzet); Zsófia Bán: Méreg (‘Poison’), Három kísérlet Bartókra Veleno/ Tre tentativi con Bartòk, Textus, L'Aquila 2019 Jantyik Zsoltnak Ezüstbojtár c. konyve, in Italian: Il secondo avvento di Giovanni il Prode (Anfora, Milano 2019); Gábor Vida Ahol az ő lelke, in Romanian (Andrei Dosa).
Sponsors, grants
The operation of the house was supported by: Ministry of Human Resources, Balatonfüred Town Council - special thanks, Probio Rt., János Arany Memorial Committee, Summa Artium Culture Support Nonprofit Kft.
Grant donations: Ministry of Human Capacities, Balatonfüred Town Council, Publishing Hungary, Katalin Csonkáné Rácz, János Arany Memorial Committee, Summa Artium Culture Support Nonprofit Kft.
Our programs were supported by: Ministry of Human Capacities, János Arany Memorial Committee, Summa Artium Culture Support Nonprofit Ltd., Publishing Hungary.
Our library has been expanded by: Ministry of Human Capacities, private individuals, publishing houses.
Applications: Translators can apply for residency to the Hungarian Translators’ House Foundation address with a translation into another language of Hungarian literary works, and Hungarian art and social scientific works. The application must be accompanied by a work plan, a CV, a publication list and (preferably) a publishing contract. The scholarship is 180,000Ft for one month. The residency may last 2-4-6-8 weeks.
Scholarship: Translators can apply at The Hungarian Translators' House Foundation with project plans of translating Hungarian literature or works in the field of social sciences. Candidates should submit a project plan with the work to be translated, their CV’s, a list of their publications and, if possible, a publisher’s contract. The scholarship is 180.000 HUF per month. The duration of the scholarship is 2-4-6-8 weeks.
We would like to thank the following individuals and institutions:
Éva Szabó, Krisztián Tóbiás, Zoltán Kosler, Zoltán Jeney, Yu Zemin, Károly Klimó, Andrea Andócs, Mr. And Mrs. Zoltán Bakos, Péter Balaskó, Mrs. Erzsébet Ticz Bertók, László BITÓ , Dr. István BÓKA, Olivia CARINO, László CSERÉP, Kata Csorba, the translators of the Füred Translators’ Pamphlet, Eszter Götz, József Kling, KEMÉNY Kari, Lorenzo Marmiroli, Katalin Hanusovszky, Zsuzsa Hetényi, Írók Boltja, András Jékey, artists (who loaned us their work), Kinga Klaudy, Márta Kovalovszky, Péter Kovács, István Ladányi, Zsuzsanna Ladányi, Tibor Martinovics, Rachel Mikos, Bernadett Nagy, János Szakács, Probio Rt.: László Somogyi, Tibor Pádár; Gergely PRÖHLE, Ágnes Rácz, Judit Rácz, Júlia Rácz, Rebeka Rácz, István Széles and Ildikó Firczi, Kinga Szokács, Árpád Vickó, Katalin Vida, Ágota Bognár Virág, Karol Wlachovský, Teresa Worowska, Gabi Nagy, Viktória Gian, Kinga Pallos, Eszter Joós, Károly Szamosfalvi, Mrs. Zsuzsa Bocsor Szamosfalvi, Mrs. Katalin Rácz Csonka, Barnabás Poór (Mikrocomp Kft.), Anita Tihanyi, Daniel Warmuz, Sarolta Vlasics.
We are glad to receive any donations:
grants (you can also specify the nationality of the beneficiaries if you or your company offer grants for one, two, three or more months)
books (agreed in advance: dictionaries, encyclopoeidias, Hungarian literary works)
Closed on: 14 February, 2020.
Translated by Miriam Grunwald Farkas
Címek, adatok:
Contact address, relevant information:
Hungarian Translator's House Foundation / Magyar Fordítóház Alapítvány,
H-1094 Budapest, Tűzoltó u. 5.
Phone/fax: (361) 215 40 75.
E-mail: mfordhaz@t-online.hu
Facebook: www.facebook.com/forditohaz
Tax reference number: 18072749-1-43
Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank Rt.: BIC (SWIFT) OKHBHUHB
HU96 1040 2166 2163 5449 0000 0000 (HUF)
Foreign Exchange Account (IBAN):
HU29 10408007-25214956-40110000 (USD);
HU67 10402166-49484857-56531034 (euro)
Board: László Lator, Julia Lázár, Péter Rácz, Gábor Schein, István Vörös.
Caretaker: Kinga Fogarasi, Social Media Manager: Júlia Rácz.
Hungarian Translators' House / Magyar Fordítóház
H-8230 Balatonfüred, Petőfi Sándor u. 28.
Phone: (36 87) 482 981. Phone/fax: (36 87) 481 794
E-mail: bfordhaz@chello.hu
You can support the operation of the Hungarian Translators’ House Foundation and the translation of Hungarian literature with 1% of your tax. Tax number: 18072749-1-43.
Thank you for your continued support!